
COMPASS® is the #1 Idea Management System

San Diego, California

COMPASS® is the #1 idea management system according to, an independent site that collects and curates end user reviews of business applications. In earning the distinction, COMPASS beat out 75 other applications (based on quality and quantity of reviews).

Read the reviews here.

Why does this matter? Because in any organization it is not only important to “do things right,” but equally important to “do the right things.”

In our nearly 20 years of working with organizations on Lean and Six Sigma deployments, we’ve seen the same problem over and over: in the desire for the quick win, the organization picks off projects of marginal value. The work begins, the projects may or may not get completed, and at the end of several months of hard work, it is time to see what outcomes have been created. We are sometimes there to observe the process of reporting out.

“We saved nearly $2500 on postage!” claims one enthusiastic participant. That’s great, but that is not the kind of return that will satisfy management, or customers. And so, after nearly a year of effort, organizations may abandon their efforts at improvement, blaming the method when in fact it was the execution that was flawed.

At Creato, we are focused on creating outcomes that matter. And the principle vehicle to accomplish this is through COMPASS®, a project portfolio and quality management (PPM) system that tracks both perception and reality for every improvement opportunity. Employees can author ideas, and rate or comment on others. Discreet criteria track the impact of the project, and risk inherent in the effort. Comparisons across facilities, business areas, popularity, financial impact and other criteria allow organizations to move quickly to the most compelling need.

A Study by McKinsey & Co. suggested that efforts at business transformation were 79% more likely to succeed when employees were offered ownership over the effort, and encouraged to make change happen. Building on that finding, Oracle and Forbes argues that project portfolio management systems are critical to operational transformation because they provide the vehicle for staff to direct improvement where it will be the most profitable. Forrester Research suggests a PPM system offers returns in excess of 250%. We get it. We’ve seen it. We are creating it in the organizations we serve.

Witness the #1 idea management system in industry at

Contact us for a demonstration of the system.

Yours in improvement,

Ian R. Lazarus

President & CEO

Creato Performance Solutions

Ian is President & CEO of Creato Performance Solutions ( Creato offers Emotional Intelligence Training, Lean and Six Sigma Deployment and the COMPASS® Quality Management System, a PPM system for all types of organizations dedicated to improvement.Find more PPM resources here.

About Creato: Creato Performance Solutions has been providing technologies and training to support corporate performance improvement for over 20 years. Today, Creato is a leading provider in the U.S. of Lean and Six Sigma deployment, and Project Portfolio Management products including the COMPASS® Quality Management System. Their combined classroom and online training programs are available a variety of other channel partners across the U.S. A recent study of 150 projects completed by Creato clients over the past 10 years revealed an average return on investment of 7:1.

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