Dave Neuweiler
Dave Neuweiler is an instructional designer and producer of eLearning programs, with over 30 years of experience in training and education.
Dave started as a technical trainer in the late 1980’s for Wells Fargo Alarm Services, using the Criterion-Referenced Instruction model of instructional design to create lesson plans and training materials. From there, Dave became a certified facilitator for Achieve Global’s Frontline Leadership program as well as Employment Learning Innovations’ Civil Treatment programs. Dave also worked with a team of trainers to bring the Juran Institute’s Teaching Quality Improvement Tools to the division’s Operations Department.
Dave eventually became the Division Training Manager, focusing on technical and customer service skills, as well as the development of first-level managers and supervisors.
A series of company mergers and acquisitions helped propel Dave’s career to different venues. He hired on as the Director of Training & Education at the National Burglar & Fire Association, overseeing the National Training School and its certification program for electronic protective services personnel. He also managed training departments for Sensormatic Electronics Corporation, ADT Retail, and Tyco Safety Products. His last corporate position was as Senior Instructional Designer for Tyco Fire & Security, where he designed training and education material, then wrote storyboards for them so they could be produced as programs to be delivered via the Internet. Working with overseas production houses, Dave learned the process of building the courseware. He also gained experience testing and managing courses on various Learning Management Systems.
After his corporate career ended in 2007, Dave struck out as an independent contractor. He founded his own company, Multimedia Services Lite, with the goal of providing economical services to clients “with tall ambitions but short budgets.”
Although Dave spends most of his time on the production side of training products, he is always willing to assist with instructional design issues, since that discipline is “like riding a bicycle – you can’t unlearn it.”
As an independent, Dave has produced online learning content for diverse companies, including Aramark Uniforms, Johnson Controls, Republic Services, Tyco International, ADT, Univar USA, RWE Micro, StateServ, and Simplex-Grinnell. Dave worked with CREATO to update and produce the online versions of Creato’s Lean and Six Sigma programs.