Project Charter

Problem Statement:

  1. Describe problem in quantitative form. Be specific but use "approximations" if necessary.
  2. Describe implications of problem to customers and business. Be specific in terms of the "pain" that may be experienced from this problematic condition.

Who Is/Are The Customers?
List all internal and external customers

What is Critical To their Satisfaction (CTQ):
Generally cost, delivery, quality, but be specific

Project Y Metric:
What is the output measure?
(i.e. Units produced/Hour)

COPQ: What is the Cost of Poor Quality?
(Use quantitative data if available)
Defect Definition: How do we know we have a defect?
Express mathematically (i.e. Cycle Time > 90 minutes)
Unit: What is the unit of measure?
Project Y Specification:
What is the limit of acceptable performance? (i.e. Cycle Time < 90 minutes)
Project Objective: Use ambitious goals for breakthrough improvement
(i.e. 50% reduction in defects)
Baseline Zst: (Add this after Measure Phase)
Baseline DPMO: (Add this after Measure Phase)

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