Project Selection

Project Selection Tool

Directions: rate each category on a 1 to 5 scale (see below for definitions).
Add the category scores to get a final rating.

The goal is to get a project with the highest score.

CategoryProject #1Project #2Project #3Project #4
Current performance gap
(1 = gap is small; 5 = large gap with ideal performance)
Cost to business if NO changes made
(1 = low cost; 5 = high cost)
Impact on customer satisfaction
(1 = low impact; 5 = high impact)
Degree of waste
(1 = little or no waste; 5 = lots of waste)
Customers can be defined
(1 = not easily defined; 5 = easy to define)
Inputs can be identified
(1 = hard to identify; 5 = easy to identify)
Outputs can be identified
(1 = hard to identify; 5 = easy to identify)
Data is available
(1 = difficult to collect or manual; 5 = easy to obtain, electronic)
Team needed to understand / identify solutions
(1 = team NOT needed; 5 = team definitely needed)
Team has authority to implement solutions
(1 = little or no authority; 5 = has authority to implement)
Manageable project scope
(1 = very large scope; 5 = contained, narrow scope)
Total score    

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